Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Sewing: Sanderson Linen Fabric

Remember the other week, I was selling some Sanderson Linen Fabric on ebay, well only one piece sold and I have two pieces left. I've used one up, I was busy yesterday making a shopping bag with a lining in and managed to work out to get the handles on the inside of the lining without getting in a muddle and it's a good sized shopping bag 16" x 16" so plenty of room for all that christmas shopping and strong because it's made from linen. Anyway here are some pictures.

The other piece of fabric I have left I will be making another sewing machine cover....
Edit - sewing machine cover and matching pin-cushion now made and I think it looks great, the binding around the edge is a perfect matching pink with the roses!

Both items have now been added to my website, prices start from only £2.99 for a handmade one of a kind item.

Josie x


Anonymous said...

Oooh very nice.

Jo said...

Smilernpb - thanks, linen fabric is just great to sew with.

Julie - thank you, it looks better than I thought it would turn out.

Josie x

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