Saturday, 16 June 2012

18th June 2013 - Craft Fair - part 2

Went to the craft fair in Rotherham today. Unfortunately for me it wasn't successful as I hoped, I only sold one item, a lavender heart for £3 which I later discovered, was to another stall holder, so I gave her the matching bookmark. 

Anyway during the week I made a few new extra items ready for the craft fair, I had about 60 items altogether (is that a good amount?) and everything was packed and priced up the night before, very organised for me! 

On the day, we got up early and arrived at the community hall for about 10.15am, I didn't manage to do a mock stall before the day, just drew a rough plan on a piece of paper, but I think next time I will find time. It took about half an hour to set up, I took two corner open display shelves and a white shabby chic suitcase for the smaller items, the table looked okay but I made the mistake of putting everything on display, so I will know for next time (?)

It seems it was also the organisers first craft fair as well and there was no public liability insurance to pay either, the table cost £12.

The weather wasn't too good, raining heavy, the public started coming in slowly about eleven and just looking round all the stalls, most people were just looking through my things but not really spending much time chatting, I had put price labels on and I noticed as soon as they saw prices then they would walk away, which I was surprised at, I made a range of items, fabric bookmarks and lavender hearts priced from £3 each , unlined shopping bags at £5 , peg bags £5 , lined shopping bags, £10, (the red chenille bag is just an example of the quality of the fabric)

padded coathanger sets, mobile phone covers,sewing machine covers with pin cushion, three styles of shoulder bags, tea cosies, the most expensive item on the stall was the 'pretty pinafore purse' shoulders bag, the cost of those - £20, I know pricing is difficult but I think that some of my prices are very reasonable.

Feedback from a customer on the craft fair organisers page on facebook....
I went and was disappointed - a few lovely things but not my 'cup of tea' but not impressed with some of it. As for a 'free goodie bag' - well the paper bag was worth more than the contents

What was she expecting, jumble sale products at Primark prices? If that was the attitude of the customers, then it's no wonder not many people sold anything. There was a range of items, carved wood items, a cake stall, her cakes were just a work of art, children's jewellery, face painting,card stall, sock monkee stall, another jewellery stall, a stall selling artwork which was just brilliant and other stalls, all selling good quality stuff.

From about 1pm there was just no-one coming in, so me and hubby sat talking to the stall holder next to us. 

We filled in the questionnaire for the Craft fair organisers and one of the questions was 
"would I do another fair with them, I said yes but now I'm not so sure.... have always said, "do a craft fair then people will see your stuff in real life and you will sell it" , maybe my son and hubby should go change jobs and try to sell insurance or whatever, they'd be good at it. 

Josie x

edit: the banner I made, not fantastic but okay for a first attempt, better than nothing, its fabric transfer paper but to make it a bit more permanent, I'm going to stitch over the top somehow.


Indigo Blue said...

I can detect the disappointment in your post. My first craft fair was a carbon copy of what you have written here. 2 years on I was the highest seller in the room on the day.

Last time I had a lady who said why are things more that in the shops, so I politely put her straight. so next month I am going to write out some tickets which states clearly the cost of materials, time to make etc and attach to a few of the items. Much of it is ignorance of the cost of raw materials, the time it takes to make items and the fact the many items are made individually and are one-offs. That is due to the culture of cheap mass produced items that are made abroad that we sadly have in this country. Yet many would happily spend lots of money on crap that deep down they know will fall apart, dis-colour, feel cheap and nasty repeatedly from shops because they think they are getting a bargin! Only to through it out next month! I have items that I made years and years ago that are still going strong. How do we change that? Goodness knows. Even my card sales at school have dropped of since Christmas. I shall take the bag back in tomorrow due to the end of term coming and some like to use thank you cards. I would give it another go, a Christmas one is usually good and if it was the very first one then the organisers have yet to sort themselves out. Look in the local paper and try some further afield, ask what else is being sold so that you are the only stall of your kind. School fairs are another but be prepared to give a % or offer a raffle prize or two. It took about three goes before I saw an improvement. I know have people coming to find me now and asking what I have that is new!!

Cheap2Chic said...

I feel so disappointed for you and understand completely. I did a sale a few weeks ago and made a loss as I sold one item which didn't even cover the table cost. I am completely baffled as to what people actually want, they seem quite happy to go into CK shops and spend a fortune on Chinese imports.


Wheelie said...

Yup. People are so used to mass produced Primark type stuff they have no concept of the love, time, effort or skill that an artisan (that's you) puts into their craft and product.

Looks to me like you had a bad combination of weather and customer dimness. One dim'um does not represent the rest of us.

Wouldn't knock selling to another stall holder. I know at regular markets and car boots, that a lot of wheeling, dealing, bartering and networking happens between stall holders before it's open to the public. It's a great opportunity to get yourself known in the craft community. Maybe you should have a look at the cheap deals online for business cards?

A lot of them will have shops or galleries as well - maybe if you had a product another artisan can't supply that their customer wants - they know a Josie who can?

You do the stuff you like, but you also do customised orders. Maybe you should plug that a bit more. Josie's Designs? Josie's Stuff.

Do you sew little stitched labels into your art work with your name and web addresses on? Have you 'branded' yourself. Artists always sign their pictures.

Don't be disheartened. It happens. Keep in touch, and chin up :) Dray x

Jo said...

thanks for leaving a comment, disappointed does not come close to how I am feeling right now, it's a good job the charity shops are closed today otherwise they might have some new stock in this week!

I think I might copy your idea about tickets with time etc, if that's okay with you , other people don't work for free so why are we expected to.

yes some of my stuff I made in 1991 is still going strong!

Josie x

Jo said...

thanks, I didn't cover the cost of the table either, yes I agree people just want cheap imports.

Josie x

Jo said...

Hi Wheelie, I've got some business cards, I did a preview of them a few post back, yes I've also got some labels stitched in (just uploaded a pic of one inside the bag) these are fabric transfer ones I've printed off myself but I'm going to spend some money getting better quality ribbon ones, there is someone on facebook does them quite reasonable, about 50 for £10. Apart from yourself, I very rarely get asked if I do custom orders, which I'm surprised at.

I've also made a banner myself, not fantastic but okay for a first attempt. thanks for commenting, hope all your lot are spoiling you today!

Josie x

Twiggy said...

Sorry to hear it didn't go well Josie. Your stuff is lovely, I'd defo try again if I were you. Do any nearby schools do Christmas fairs?
Twiggy x

Jo said...

yes I know :-( thanks for saying my stuff is lovely, don't know about local craft fairs in schools, I've found a website called Stallfinder, so I will have a look.

Josie x

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