Saturday, 14 July 2012

One Project A Month - July

I bought some new fabric the other week, with my birthday money, two out of the three lots of fabric have arrived, this lovely cheater print patchwork fabric, I think I will make some cushion covers from this

and this fabric, which I've ordered from America, is just gorgeous!  Real tree print fabric, I can't wait for this to arrive as I've got an idea what I'm going to make.

and finally this arrived earlier in the week, Michael Miller fabric, I've already bought the blue version of this but I think the yellow version ' French Journal' looks much better, much more cheerful, at least being stuck in with all this rain, time to so some sewing

Anyway I've made myself a shopping bag and here is the finished bag!

so that's my One Project A Month for July

Josie x 

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