Monday, 27 August 2012

One Project A Month - leftovers...

A quiet bank holiday staying in, hubby has had two days off work but we just didn't feel like going anywhere, so I spent the last few days sewing, I had some fabric left from making my quilt and made a mobile cover, it's supposed to be the Dresden plate design but it was very fiddly to make, so not sure if I will be making another, oh and I finished a sewing machine cover off I started last year.

As I'd already started this dresden plate sewing machine cover last year, I thought I'd make the effort and finish it, lined and a matching pin-cushion too! It's a full cover as I think they look much better.

While sorting through my fabrics trying to find the sewing machine cover, I found some embroidered silk taffeta fabric I bought earlier this year but wasn't sure what to make until I bought some Moda woodrose winter fabric from someone's de-stash sale on facebook and I think the fabrics go very well together so I decided to make lickety split bag no 5 

(the pattern I've used to make this bag is from )

the mobile cover and sewing machine cover are listed for sale in my Etsy shop and the brown embroidered bag will be for sale from next weekend. I've got lots of ideas for Autumn/Winter and Christmas but I tend to procrastinate a lot so they probably will remain just as ideas....

but then again I forgot to mention that I've recently bought this book on Amazon          There is lots of useful advice in there, especially the pricing chapter, so time to tweak some of my prices I think. I also did a review as well, you can find it under 'Josie'

Josie x 


Rebecca said...

I like the bag, very nice material x

Wheelie said...

Which reminds me that I have tons of projects to complete, from refitting a kitchen cupboard door, to dismantling cleaning, rebuilding and fitting a new castor to a wooden kitchen trolley, cyberpunking Bears faulty lappy, (BIG job), carving and treating some local sandstone as a stone age oil lamp and another as a boar. Then there's the neighbours lappy to fix, daughters phone to re-flash, Gosh, the list goes on...

Now if I can only get my ants in her pants Bear to stay in long enough to do a bit of lugging and shifting..... :)

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