Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The 'Terminator' smoke alarm!

11th January 2012

I've not had much sleep for the last two nights thanks to the smoke alarm in the living room. About 6.3oam yesterday morning it started bleeping, ok, simple, just change the battery but no, it's a sealed unit smoke alarm which is connected into the mains electrical system and it has a rechargeable lithium battery which is supposed to last ten years!

so hubby pressed the reset button and it went quiet ....

(In the meantime we telephoned the repairs department and they said they were going to contact a local contractor and it will be fixed in the next 7 days!) I also e-mailed the local fire brigade to see if we were still safe without this smoke alarm being connected. There are three others in the house.

.....until approx 6ish this morning. So hubby gets up and pressed the re-set button and nothing, it just carried on bleeping, every 45 seconds!

So after about an hour I got up and telephoned the out of house repairs number and there was no answer! So I left an irate message, then turned off the mains power downstairs, it was still bleeping! so I got a screwdriver and disconnected it and it was still bleeping!

About ten minutes later I got a phone call from the emergency repairs dept saying that they would follow it up as soon as the main repairs dept was open at 9am and also a bit of a chat that the emergency number was for burst pipes etc. Which is fair enough but I pointed out that we had waited for a return phone call yesterday from the contractor and nothing....

Anyway just after 9am, a telephone call from the repairs department, the contractor will try to fit us in between now and 4.30pm

Edit....the contractor came about an hour ago and we have a new and hopefully quiet smoke alarm!

After researching on the internet, it looks like its a manufacture fault, Dicon

and reading other people with similar problems, trying to dispose of it, drowning it, burying it and smashing it! It seems they also had a 'Terminator' smoke alarm!

Josie x

1 comment:

Rarelesserspotted said...

There's nothing so damned irritating as a constant bleep of an alarm like that.