Thursday, 17 September 2009

One Project A Month - September - Bookmarks

I've been making things since 1993 ( you can see photo's here)and I keep all the leftover pieces of fabric because some of it is just too lovely to throw away! But I always thought the only thing I could make with the fabric would be a patchwork quilt until the other day. I was reading a book and turning the corners over and inspiration struck! I needed a bookmark, so I decided to have a go at making some fabric ones with the leftover scraps of fabric, lace, ribbon and buttons and this is how they turned out......

They have turned out better than I though they would, my favourite is the green embroidered one ( fabric left over from the sewing machine cover I made last year). The purple floral and cream lace bookmarks even have matching hearts filled with lavender grown in my garden!
Which one is your favourite because it just might be on sale in my Folksy Shop this weekend!

Josie x


Twiggy said...

Oooo they are lovely, I like them all but think the heart one is my fave. Clever lady.
twiggy x

Anonymous said...

They are exceptional! My favourite has to be the one on the extreme right. Delightful.Well done.

Jo said...

Twiggy - it's my second favourite, it was a bit fiddly to sew but it looks nice.

WhiteMorn - thank you, I've really enjoyed making them, I'm hoping to make matching lavender hearts to go with them.

Lyn said...

what a good idea! I think they will sell well.

Jo said...

Lyn - thank you - I hope they will, hand-made, pretty and useful and hopefully not too expensive.

Ally Jay said...

They are very nice indeed but I have to say the one with hearts is my favourite.

Tracey said...

What a great idea you came up with! They are all so pretty, but I agree with you on your's mine too!