Sunday, 14 October 2012

One Project A Month - October

I bought a make to sell bag pattern earlier this year but I've only just finished making a bag from it as it looked complicated because of the rings and I didn't have any fabric that seemed to go with the pattern, anyway a few months ago, I bought some real tree fabric and it just seemed perfect for this bag pattern, so last month I cut out the fabric but it's just been on the kitchen table ever since.

I read and re-read the pattern but it just didn't click , so yesterday I decided I was going to finish this bag this weekend but I didn't have any rings so I thought I'll just stitch the strap on, easy, but no because there was the lining to stitch in somehow, so I just stitched the strap on halfway and then stitched the lining in and top-stitched the edge of the bag and then finished top-stitching the straps, yes it was very fiddly but I think it was worth the effort as none of the seams from inside the bag are showing. I also used part of another pattern I have to add a front flap so that the bag and front pocket were both fastened and I think it looks better with the flap.

Anyway here are some photo's so you can see what I'm going on about , I think the fabrics go really well together as well.

front pocket detail, there is also a top-stitched edge on the bag.

It's listed in my Etsy shop,

Josie x

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