Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New Year - the first week

Well we are now nine days into the new year, so a quick catch up. Last weekend was my son's 25th birthday, so that makes me, well nearer 50 than 40!  We had a meal and then went for a game of ten-pin bowling afterwards and a last minute change of plan was brother-in-law and niece joined us, so that was nice to catch up. 

What else , oh yes the usual sewing, after years of sewing, I've made my second zipped purse and I think it looks okay as well, I had some fabric left from making a peg bag and I think there might be just enough left to make a mobile cover as well.

Both these items are now for sale in my Folksy shop ( re-opened the other week) 

Website : I thought that the website need a new design, , so I've been busy for the last few days updating some pages, some pages still have the old design. I wasn't too sure at first but now I've been working on it a few days, I think it looks better.

anyway that's my news, finally got the boiler fixed this afternoon, it has been faulty since November! 

Josie x 

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