Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 - 31st December - Happy New Year!

Well this is going to be the last post of the year and I've just managed to get some sewing in (hubby has been working all day, so while the casserole and dumplings are cooking) I thought I would attempt to make a zipped purse!  Remember all the bags I've made this year, would you believe that only one has a zip in it ! 

Anyway all the best to you and your family for the New Year!

(Edit - 1st January 2013 - Happy New Year! a good start so far, just checked my e-mails and there is one from National Lottery for the draw 31/12/12 Congratulations! You're a winner £2.50 Plus 5 ticket - it was sent at 2.16am! yes I know it's not ' the big one' but it will pay for some more tickets! )



saraeden said...

Happy New year to you too and thank you so much for the 45 thing comment, think i was just having a bit of a Christmas stress!!

Hope 2013 is a good one for you xx

Jo said...

Happy New Year! you're welcome about the comment, I know where you're coming from though, I hope 2013 is a good one too! Josie x